Oct 31, 2011

Found How To Make Fuel From Vegetable Oil Seed Generator

Found How To Make Fuel From Vegetable Oil Seed Generator

Bintaro tree (Cerbera manghas) is often only used as a mere plant perindang road. Apparently this plant is good also functioned as a drag abrasion resistant to sea because of high salinity. In addition, seeds can be used as biofuels, for example for generator fuel.
This technology specifically for remote areas (remote areas), "said Dr. Ir Desrial MEng, Chairman, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Agricultural Technology Biosistem at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), in Bogor, West Java.
Remote areas more specifically, according to Desrial, coastal areas are susceptible to abrasion. Areas that can be a small coastal islands and beaches are also a large island.
Many causes damage to coastal ecosystems. Policy over the function of lowland forest to oil palm plantation concessions could be the cause.
In most of the lowland forests are also peatlands. According Desrial, bintaro tree can grow too well in peatlands.
As in the Jambi and Riau communities, coastal peatlands in many participating converted for oil palm cultivation. Some land was also lost eroded abrasion.
"Trees bintaro for coastal conservation as well as the seeds contain oil that can be used for substitution of diesel fuel," said Desrial.
Bintaro raw fruits bright green. According Desrial, in the fruit raw bintaro no cyanide toxicity, but easily lost unless exposed to sunlight.
"Use the old fruit bintaro brownish to take oil from the seeds," said Desrial.
Utilization of fruit bintaro parents can avoid the addition of cyanide poisoning while peeling at once to get the optimum content of vegetable oils. Bintaro oil making process that involves stripping, taking seeds, dried beans, and seeds extracted.
"Ekstrasinya the compression process, ie given a certain pressure and temperature so that the liquid oil out of seeds," said Desrial.
Liquid as crude oil bintaro. The content of the sap is still high.
To eliminate the sap in the oil, taken by degumming process (removal of gum / sap) is simple. Typically used the addition of phosphate to bind and precipitate thus obtained resin bintaro pure oil.
To obtain 1 kilogram of oil it takes 2.9 pounds of pure bintaro bintaro seeds. Bintaro seed as much as it can be obtained from the 36.4 kilograms of fruit bintaro old.
"One tree can produce bintaro optimally bintaro 300 kilograms of fruit annually," said Desrial.
Special converter
Research bintaro fruit to produce diesel oil substitution was started in 2010. Research aimed at people in the Gulf region Meranti, Riau, which have a source of raw materials bintaro relatively abundant.
According Desrial, research originally intended to replace kerosene, but the quality of the oil was almost equivalent bintaro pure diesel.
"Oil bintaro ultimately intended for oil generators, electric generating machinery," said Desrial.
Desrial also designing generators with fuel oil bintaro pure. He added a special converter that contains a heating element can be controlled by an energy source in the form of 12-volt battery.
"A special converter to increase the oil temperature to 70 degrees Celsius bintaro making it easier for combustion in the gensets," said Desrial.

For the initial lighter diesel generators are still used. The use of diesel is also at a late stage to avoid condensation in the channel bintaro oil genset system is turned off when wanted.
Bintaro oil use will help the areas difficult to reach the distribution of diesel fuel. At least, planting bintaro on the beach can also save the environment in order to avoid abrasion.


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